This is Me!

Emma Sturgess

My Story

  • I am a high school student that found a passion for photography. I first picked up a camera back in 2015, for an art contest that my elementary school did. I got 3rd place thoughout the whole school and never put a camera down since. I loved that I could take photos that people loved to look at while capturing the beauty of the world and its history. Some of my firsts and favorites are down below.

  • During 2020, like many of us we where all stuck at our houses, stuck doing at home work and school. My school at the time started a photography class as an elective. I was put into the class without even knowing it existed and looking back I am very thankful for that opportunity. The teacher of the class was also our gym teacher but he had traveled the world years before teaching learning about photography and actually doing it. As I was taking photos, friends and family were always joking around with the idea to start a business. Then one day I woke up and said why not. After a couple of weeks going back and forth on names and what I wanted this business to be focused around and it finally all came together -Topanga Photos, Helping you capture life’s greatest treasures-

  • Topanga Photos is a photography business, run by me. The goal of Topanga is not just to make you as a customer satisfied with our products but also, that you can look back at these photos when you are sitting around your kids or grandkids talking about that one time. Photos hold such a deeper meaning than what many realize. Photos hold a pieces of our lives and the memories and history each one of our stories hold. That is Topanga Photos’ whole goal as a business.

    *if you would like to know on how we came up with out name click the box below!