Emma Sturgess Emma Sturgess

Meaning Behind the Name

Native American origin meaning "where the mountain meets the sea". 

Photography for so many people is about capturing life. Pictures takes you back to a moment and allows you to re-live it in its entirety. Whereas videos, yes capture the moment but you are distracted by all the moving parts that you cant focus on the day itself and the feeling you had that day. I went back and forth on what to name this business, and what I was trying to get across to people. I finally came to Topanga, I have always been intrigued about the history of different times and different places, and Topanga Canyon is one of the places that is interesting. Topanga Canyon is a place known for art, which I found fitting for this business name. Photos capture the history of a moment whether an engagement party, graduation, or family photo. Photos start conversations and can allow you to tell generations of people about that one journey that changes everything or that one night of love.

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